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Laboratorios Rubió is a company that
is currently undergoing a process of expansion


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Since 1968


Laboratorios Rubió is a company that is currently
undergoing a process of expansion and growth


(in thousands of €)

Total sales National International


Laboratorios Rubió is a pharmaceutical company in a continuous process of business development, expansion, and growth. The ascending progression of turnover is an indicator of the good work done. Our strategic plan focuses on internationalization through partnering and R&D for developing new pharmaceutical drugs.

The turnover of 2023 totaled € 132 million, representing an annual increase of 22,4%. By markets, in Spain, the increase has been 23,24% and 18,57% internationally. For 2024, we expect to continue the growth in turnover and reach 167M€, which accounts for a 27% increase.


The company’s team is composed of 269 people in 2023—75% more than in 2019—with the greatest amount of growth in the sales and industrial operations departments.

At Laboratorios Rubió, we are a company that trusts the people who are part of our organization, recognizes their professional value, and dedicates resources to ensure that a good working environment is maintained. We aim to foster opportunities, personal and professional development, and a good work-life balance.

2023 Total:269
2022 Total:187
2021 Total:163
2020 Total:155
2019 Total:153


As part of our strategic plan for business development and internationalization, Laboratorios Rubió has expanded by acquiring Fisiopharma (2021), OWL Metabolomics (2022), a controlling stake in Nutribrain (2024), and founded CIMA Sciences (2023) in the USA and Rubió Nutraceuticals (2023) in Italy. In 2021, we began expanding our production facilities to double our capacity.

We concentrate its investments on expanding production capacity and on R&D to lead in pharmaceutical innovation and global healthcare. In 2021, we started the expansion of our production facilities. These will allow us to double our capacity virtually. We also continue to invest in various R&D projects for both the European and US markets to lead in pharmaceutical innovation and global healthcare.

Investments (in thousands of €)


Consolidated in the market


Two major areas of Pharmaceutical and In-vitro Diagnosis
and nutrition for special conditions.

Laboratorios Rubió’s business activity is structured into four major areas: Pharmaceutical, OTC, Metabolomics, and Diagnostics. Our extensive vademecum includes pharmaceutical products focused on therapeutic areas such as Rheumatology, Musculoskeletal system, Nephrology, Urology, Andrology, Digestive/Gastro, Central Nervous System, Gynecology, Radiotherapeutic Oncology, and Hepatology.


We manufacture and sell well-established pharmaceutical drugs with a solid reputation and introduce new products annually through our R&D and partnerships with third parties.


Our Metabolomics division focuses on liver research, R&D, and non-invasive diagnostic tests.


Our Diagnostics division offers in-vitro tests to determine lipoprotein fractions for cardiovascular risk and non-invasive diagnostic tools for assessing all lesional phases of MASLD.


The OTC business unit provides complete formulas for food supplements for osteoarticular and muscular health.

Our mission is to assist
in improving peoples’ quality of life



Created in 2014, this subsidiary acts as a “patent box” to boost the Laboratorios Rubió’s R&D&i department. Within this sphere of activity, the company’s number one strategy is based on expanding the lifecycle of its products, collaborating with new research programs whose goals tie in with the company’s own therapeutic goals, and establishing strategic alliances with research foundations in related fields.


Biosfer Teslab, a spin-off of the Universidad Rovira i Virgili (URV) and the Institut d’Investigació Sanitària Pere Virgili (IISPV), is one of Laboratorios Rubió’s investee companies, which specializes in developing in vitro diagnostic tests to improve cardiovascular assessment in high-risk patients.


A national company specializing in nutraceuticals aimed at musculoskeletal health, which will grow in the coming years both in products from other therapeutic areas and in other countries.

Laboratorios Rubió is enjoying business
relationships in more than 70 countries


Countries with sales Countries under registration procedures


Laboratorios Rubió conducts extensive international sales, maintaining business relationships in over 70 countries with a network of more than 80 strategic partners. International business constitutes over 70% of our manufactured units, underscoring our successful internationalization efforts and significant growth in recent years. Developing new markets is a priority for Laboratorios Rubió.

Our projects with strategic partners focus on key therapeutic areas, R&D, and healthcare advancements allowing us to set very high growth goals. This ensures our pharmaceutical products reach a broader patient audience through an efficient global supply chain, supporting our mission to enhance global healthcare.

Countries with sales:

  • Albania
  • Andorra
  • Angola
  • Argentina
  • Australia
  • Botswana
  • Canada
  • Chile
  • Colombia
  • Costa Rica
  • Croatia
  • Cuba
  • Cyprus
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Dominican Republic
  • Egypt
  • El Salvador
  • Estonia
  • France
  • Georgia
  • Germany
  • Greece
  • Guatemala
  • Honduras
  • Hong Kong
  • Hungary
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Island
  • Israel
  • Italy
  • Jordan
  • Kosovo
  • Kuwait
  • Lebanon
  • Libya
  • Malaysia
  • Malta
  • Mexico
  • Moldova
  • Morocco
  • Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Nicaragua
  • Norway
  • Pakistan
  • Panama
  • Peru
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Serbia
  • Singapore
  • Slovenia
  • South Africa
  • Sri Lanka
  • Sudan
  • Suriname
  • Sweden
  • Thailand
  • The Philippines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • Turkey
  • UAE
  • UK
  • Uruguay
  • US
  • Vietnam

Countries under registration procedures:

  • Bolivia
  • Ecuador
  • Finland
  • Mongolia
  • Myanmar
  • Uzbekistan


With the recent acquisition of OWL Metabolomics, the company takes a prominent position in the metabolomics sector, with its own developments of diagnostic tests based on metabolomics and developments and studies for the pharmaceutical industry and main research centers. The knowledge generated in one of the most innovative “omics” sciences today, in liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry (LC/MS) platforms, is key for internal research projects as well as for third parties. to diseases with a high component of metabolic syndrome and liver diseases. In turn, the complementary technologies of Biosfer Teslab and OWL Metabolomics provide robustness to the company’s metabolomics offer.

More than 10 million units of
finished product per year


Laboratorios Rubió has its own state-of-the-art production plant located in the town of Castellbisbal, in the province of Barcelona. Built over 2900 square metres, and an installed capacity to produce more than 10 million units of finished product per year, this centre is equipped with the top technology, giving it the capacity to prepare oral solid dosage forms— particularly tablets, coated tablets, capsules and single-dose and multi-dose powders—as well as primary and secondary packaging for these pharmaceutical forms, in accordance with GMP guidelines.

Within these facilities, the quality control and pharmaceutical development labs are also housed, along with a pilot plant necessary to carry out the industrial-level scaling processes, and the finished product warehouses.

This plant is continuously undergoing renovations, with an annual investment plan that includes the improvement and replacement of equipment and facilities, with the objective of meeting the highest quality and productivity standards.

Commitment and transparency



Laboratorios Rubió is a company whose commitment to transparency is strengthened through the disclosure, as stated in Spanish Farmaindustria’s Code of Best Practices, of transfers of value occurring each year as a result of interactions with healthcare organisations and professionals.


Healthcare Professionals (HCP) Individual 2021 Download

Healthcare Professionals (HCP) Individual 2022 Download

Healthcare Professionals (HCP) Individual 2023 Download

Health Organizations Individual 2021 Download

Health Organizations Individual 2022 Download

Health Organizations Individual 2023 Download

Methodology 2021 Download

Methodology 2022 Download

Methodology 2023 Download
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