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Laboratorios Rubió acquires Fisiopharma and enters the OTC segment in Spain

The Acquisition of Fisiopharma: A Gateway to Nutraceuticals

Laboratorios Rubió ends 2021 with exciting news: we have achieved our goal of entering the OTC segment in Spain, thanks to our acquisition of Fisiopharma. This strategic move has paved the way for our diversification beyond prescription products.

Fisiopharma, founded five years ago by Javier Sánchez and Alberto Berti, specializes in nutraceuticals, as well as products that focus on central nervous system neuropathies and muscle and joint tissues. The acquisition of Fisiopharma is a significant part of the strategic plan of Laboratorios Rubió to stimulate growth through innovation and entry into new business segments, in this case, the nutraceuticals market.

Strengthening our Position in the Nutraceuticals Business Line

This business move strengthens our position in the business line of dietary supplements, contributing to our economic growth goal for the next year, which is to reach a turnover of 92 million euros.

Fisiopharma’s Products Complement our Medicines

Fisiopharma’s products complement many of our drugs by acting on the same therapeutic areas, allowing for the generation of significant synergies.

Our Commitment to Collaborating with Medical Professionals and Pharmacies

For Laboratorios Rubió, it is essential to fully collaborate with doctors and pharmacies, as we continue to rely on professional advice for the distribution of our products.

This ensures that patients receive products that are truly most suitable for their health problems, that are compatible with their medication, and are used correctly, thus ensuring their safety.

Laboratorios Rubió: Driving Growth, Expanding Therapeutic Areas, and Improving Patient Health

Our effort to venture into the field of nutraceuticals is part of our commitment to innovation, growth, and better outcomes for patients. By exploring new therapeutic areas and integrating products that enhance our offering, we are on a firm course to address and anticipate patient needs in the most effective way possible.

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